About Us
The CHAMPS Heart of Texas Bowl is the right aim in helping school children.
1. Who is the Heart of Texas Bowl? The C.H.A.M.P.S. Heart of Texas Bowl is an activity of the the Communities Helping Americans Mature, Progress, and Succeed program. CHAMPS is a part of America's Drug Free Productions, Inc. a 501c3 organization. The mission of ADFP is to provide educational information on the dangers of the abuse of alcohol, illicit drugs, bullying and teen suicide for the youth of America.
2. What is our purpose? The main purpose is to raise awareness of the need to educate youth on the ADFP mission. Additional purposes of the bowl is to provide college opportunities for high school seniors. Colleges will be invited to watch the junior college game and visit with high school seniors attending the bowl.
3. How does this benefit the kids? Educational information disseminated to school districts on the ADFP mission, provide sponsorship for CHAMPS school assemblies (www.champsassembly.com), and provide opportunities for high school seniors to continue their football careers in college.